2024-06-01 10:29:47

一、求上古卷轴5 新游戏载入时的诗


And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,

That when brothers wage war come unfurled!

Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,

With a hunger to swallow the world!


Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,

To keep evil forever at bay!

And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout,

Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age, long ago,

And the tale, boldly told, of the one!

Who was kin to both wyrm, and the races of man,

With a power to rival the sun!

And the voice, he did wield, on that glorious field,

When great Tamriel shuddered with war!

Mighty Thu'um, like a blade, cut through enemies all,

As the Dragonborn issued his roar!

Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,

To keep evil forever at bay!

And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout,

Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,

That when brothers wage war come unfurled!

Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,

With a hunger to swallow the world!

But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies,

Will be silenced forever and then!

Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin's maw!

Dragonborn be the savior of men!

Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn,

To keep evil forever at bay!

And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout,

Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!


-Selecting the national flag icon on any screen will take you to the senior national team screen.


-When a player is listed in yellow, it indicates he is currently on your shortlist.


-When a player is listed in light blue, it indicates he is currently on loan at a club.


-When a player is listed in dark yellow, it indicates he is currently co-owned by another club


-When viewing a team screen, players listed in light blue are currently on loan at the club.


-When viewing a team screen, players listed in dark blue are currently out on loan at another club.


-When viewing the preferences screen, you can set up your game to save automatically after a specified amount of time by using the'Auto Save' option.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Wnt' icon indicates that a club is interested in the player.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Bid' icon indicates that a club has made a transfer offer for the player.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Trn' icon indicates that the player has a future transfer agreed with another club.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Req' icon indicates that the player has been placed on the transfer list at his own request.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, an'Unh' icon indicates that the player is currently unhappy.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Fut' icon indicates that the player is unsure about his future.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Ctr' icon indicates that the player is currently out of contract at the club.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, an'Ine' icon indicates that the player is ineligible to play in the next match


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Loa' icon indicates that the player has been made available for loan.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, an'Int' icon indicates that the player is currently away on international duty


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Lst' icon indicates that the player has been placed on the transfer list by the club.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, an'Lmp' icon indicates that the player is lacking in match practice.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Fgn' icon indicates that the player is foreign.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, an'Inj' icon indicates that the player is currently injured.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Frt' icon indicates that the player is leaving on a free transfer at the end of his contract.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Pr' icon indicates that the player has reacted to a media comment.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Cup' icon indicates that the player is cup-tied and ineligible to play in the cup match.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Rst' icon indicates that the player is in need of a rest.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Sus' icon indicates that the player is currently suspended.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Yel' icon indicates that the player is one yellow card away from picking up a suspension.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Yth' icon indicates that the player is on a youth contract.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Hol' icon indicates that the player is currently away on holiday.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Wdn' icon indicates that the player has been withdrawn from international duty by his club manager.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Unf' icon indicates that the player is not fully fit.


-When a'Wp' icon appears next to a player's name, this indicates that the player requires a work permit before he can play.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Slt' icon indicates that the player has a slight concern about something.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Tut' icon indicates that the player is currently acting as mentor for a youngster at the club.


-When viewing a team screen or person list, a'Lrn' icon indicates that the player is currently learning from an experienced player at the club.


*年轻球员—发现评论—球员连接(player link)—选择球员-发表声明*


-When taking over a club for the first time, ask your Assistant Manager for a team report. This will help you familiarise yourself with the team and single out areas that need improving.


-When choosing your captain the most important attribute to consider is his influence.

队长选择的最重要标准取决于其影响力 influnce

-A player with a high penalty taking attribute is likely to be a good choice to take your spot-kicks.

罚点球队员选择取决于其罚点球能力 penalty taking

-A player with a high corner attribute would be a good choice to take your corners.

罚角球球员的选择取决于其角球能力 corners

-If you want to be a danger from throw-ins, choose a player with a high long throws attribute to take them.


-With the right guidance a youngster described as a'Wonderkid' could become a world class player.


-Withdrawing a player from international duty with his national team may adversely affect his morale, or worse, cause the player to dislike you.


-Rejecting a job offer from another club will improve your popularity with your club's board and the fans.


-Players with high adaptability are less likely to get homesick as they are better able to adjust to new countries and cultures.


-Teams in a strong financial position who consistently fill out their stadiums are prime candidates for stadium expansion.


-The board may decide to build a new stadium if you don't own your current ground or if you are unable to further expand it.


-Sending youngsters out on loan is a great way for them to get competitive match experience.


-When a player has just returned from injury it's a good idea build his match fitness back up through reserve fixtures and then slowly reintroduce him back into the first-team.


-The ratings for reflexes, handling, communication, jumping and positioning are generally a good indicator for how good a goalkeeper is.


-If you're looking for a good wing-back pay special attention to an individual's positioning, tackling, stamina, pace and acceleration.


-Positioning, tackling, pace and anticipation are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good full-back.


-A good centre-back will usually have high ratings for tackling, jumping, positioning, heading, strength, marking, bravery and team work.


-Pace, dribbling, passing, off the ball, creativity, stamina and crossing are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good winger.


-Passing, off the ball, creativity, technique, dribbling and stamina are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good attacking midfielder.


-A good defensive midfielder will most likely have high ratings for tackling, work rate, stamina and positioning.


-Pace, acceleration, dribbling, technique, finishing and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good pacey striker.


-Jumping, heading, strength and off the ball are just some of the important characteristics that make for a good target man.


-The better a physio the more able he is to accurately predict how long a player will take to recover from injury.


-When a player is outraged over something it can indicate that he is quite temperamental and maybe has a low level of professionalism.


-When a player is worried or upset over something it can indicate that he doesn't handle pressure very well


-Be wary when declaring an interest in another job. Your current employers may not take too kindly to you casting glances elsewhere.


-You can increase your popularity with your club's board if you deny speculation in the media that links you to another job.


-If your players are picking up lots of injuries in training, keep a close eye on the type of injury that has occurred and think about reducing the intensity of your strength or aerobic training.


-You can improve squad morale by winning football matches or rewarding them with new contracts.


-You can damage a player's morale if you continuously make offers for players at other clubs who play in the same position.


-Be careful when asking an injured player to take an injection and play through the pain barrier for a game. There is a risk that you may upset him so save these instances for really important matches.


-Think carefully before issuing your board with an ultimatum as there is a good chance they will remove you from your position as Manager if they think you're being unreasonable.


-One of the best ways to ensure you do not run into debt is by keeping an eye on your total wage budget. The board will be more appreciative if you stay within the limits set.


-When managing a low profile club, arranging friendly games during the pre-season against high profile teams is a great way to boost your club's finances through additional gate receipts.


-Disciplining players without justification is likely to upset multiple members of the playing staff.


-Notes can be used to record useful information about a player such as whether he responds better to criticism or praise.


-Having players in your squad who list one another as favoured personnel will generally benefit the team.


-When negotiating contract terms with a player, you should consider how additional bonuses may impact your club's finances.


-When joining a new club as Manager, staff who were at the club before you joined will always accept'Mutual Termination' of their contract.


-Frequently altering the squad status of a player risks unsettling him and make him unhappy.


-Players aged 24 and above are less likely to see dramatic improvements to their attributes through training or natural progression.


-Goalkeepers will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 31 and 35.


-Defenders will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 27 and 32.


-Midfielders will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 27 and 32.


-Strikers will generally peak and enjoy their best footballing years between the ages of 26 and 31.



-Players will naturally develop their mental attributes through experience as they get older.


-Physical attributes decline naturally and sometimes dramatically towards the end of their playing careers.


-Players who are transfer-listed are generally available at a knock down price and are easier to sign.





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